reassign 311683 kscreensaver

Le jeudi 02 juin 2005 à 20:19 +0200, R. Armiento a écrit :
> Package: xscreensaver
> Version: 4.21-3
> Severity: important
> The main kde package 'kde' depends on xscreensaver. Now, if I 
> understand this issue correctly, KDE has its own "randomization engine" 
> for screensavers. This makes it ignore xscreensavers settings for what
> screensavers should be included in 'random screensaver' and instead
> randomize over all installed screensavers (at least that is how it 
> seems to work per default). I *think* KDE's default setting for new 
> users is to randomize screensavers; but even if it isn't, it is very 
> easy for an experimenting user to flip this setting on, unaware of the
> 'risks' of running the web collage screensaver.
> Result: without any deliberate action, a user running on a "default" debian 
> install of KDE runs the risk of suddenly showing pornographic images on
> the screen (fetched and shown by the 'web collage' screensaver). I have 
> seen this happen.
> While 'web collage' is a truly original screensaver based on a fun idea,
> the thing is, there are workplace environments where this could potentially 
> get people fired or sued. Hence, I think it is resonable to try to avoid any
> accidental activation. Just like there is a fortune-off package for 
> potentially 
> offending fortunes, I suggest moving 'web collage' to a separate package 
> 'xscreensaver-off'.

That's exactly why webcollage is disabled in the default xscreensaver

> However, if the maintainer feels this is not an xscreensaver 
> problem, but rather an issue with kde's random screensaver
> option, feel free to forward this bug report to the kde maintainers.

Indeed. We (xscreensaver maintainers) are not responsible of the choices
the KDE maintainers make. Their configuration deliberately uses a
different setup, and there's nothing we can do about it.

> Also, just as a side note: another reason to avoid 'web collage' to
> be activated unintentionally is that it is a significantly higher
> security risk than any of the other screensavers, in that it might
> pull an image from the web that exploits a buffer overflow in
> the picture library.

Actually this shouldn't be a problem, as a hack crashing doesn't make
the server crash.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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