Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:28:54AM +0200, Christian Garbs wrote:

> There needs to be a distinction between the typographical apostrophe
> and the ASCII apostrophe.
> I don't know if this can be distinguished in POD at all (then propably
> lots of Perl packages would need to be fixed), if the pod2man command
> can somehow be changed to output a verbatim apostrophe or if the
> character conversion from man(1) should be changed.

Changing pod2man won't fix everything, as the wrong quotes also appear
in the awk(1) manpage (section INTERNATIONALIZATION), which is not
created via pod2man.

There is a thread on the groff mailing list about this problem.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04170.html quotes

|       ' the ISO latin1 ‘Apostrophe’ (code 39) prints as ’, a right
|         single quotation mark; the original character can be obtained
|         with ‘\(aq’.

Does this mean that nearly every manpage has to be rewritten to use
\(aq and manpage generators such as pod2man must be able to output
\(aq instead of a plain '?

Should this bug report be moved over to the groff package?


[Praktische Physik nach Takahashi: Heisenbergs Unsch�rferelation]
Ryouga kennt entweder seinen Aufenthaltsort oder seine Bewegungsrichtung,
aber nie beides gleichzeitig.        (Daniel M. Toebbens in der AnimeGer)

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