
On 28/07/2008 J.M.Roth wrote:
> > Since I stumbled across the same problem I wonder where is the relation
> > of this bug to #394136, which was fixed in cryptsetup/2:1.0.4-4?
> > 
> > It doesn't work for me, so it is not fixed then? Any workaround?
> > 
> > thanks, florian
> So, what is different here from the bug that Florian mentioned?
> I also fail to see the difference.
> Thanks for a short explanation.
> How can #394136 be fixed and this one (#419571) not be fixed when they 
> both are the same problem?

I think you're right that both bugreport describe the same issue,
although it could be argued that one is about out-of-the-box support to
activate several crypt partitions in initramfs, and the other is fixed
by adding support for several cryptopts boot parameters.
Please see section '7. "cryptopts" boot argument' in README.initramfs.gz
for more information:

--- snip /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.initramfs.gz ---
Several "cryptopts" boot arguments can also be specified in case more than
one mapping needs to be setup in the initramfs stage of the boot.
--- snap /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.initramfs.gz ---

On the other hand, did you actually try to reproduce the bug?

I just tried again with expert mode installation and Lenny rc2
debian-installer businesscard image. At release selection I selected
I was really, really surprised that the reboot after installation worked
out of the box. In other words, I'm not able to reproduce the bug anymore
with the described setup. After all something seems to have changed!

my setup is as follows:

|   (idea for asciiart stolen from original bugreport)   |
|                                                        |
|    boot     |    |   /    |  none  |    |  mountpoint  |
·-------------+----+--------+--------+----+ -------------·
|             |    |  ROOT  |  SWAP  |    |              |
|             |    `--------+--------'    |              |
|    ---      |                           |     LVM      |
|             |      LVM VG "DEBIAN"      |              |
|             |                           |              |
|    ---      |  hda2_crypt |  hdb1_crypt | dm-crypt dev |
|  /dev/hda1  |  /dev/hda2  |  /dev/hdb1  | physical dev |

$ cat /etc/crypttab
hda2_crypt /dev/hda2 none luks
hdb1_crypt /dev/hdb1 none luks

$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/mapper/debian-root /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1
/dev/hda1       /boot           ext3    defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/debian-root none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

$ gzip -dc /boot/initrd.img-2.6.25-2-amd64 | cpio -id
$ cat conf/conf.d/cryptroot

I've currently no time to investigate the exact change that fixed the bug.

could others try to reproduce it with different setups?


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