On 13:57 Wed 13 Aug     , Steve Kemp wrote:
SK> On Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 22:51:00 +1000, Sven Dowideit wrote:

SK>> no, its got nothing to do with /var/lib/twiki/data etc, its the location
SK>> for session data - produced by CGI::Session etc.

SK> Yes it does.

SK> The code we're talking about is contained in the file debian/postinst,
SK> and only executes under the following condition:

SK> # create initial htpasswd, if needed
SK> if [ -e /var/lib/twiki/data ]; then

SK> ...
SK> ...
SK> #create securer-twiki session dir
SK> mkdir ...

SK> fi

SK> My understanding of the discussion thus far is:

SK> a.  This is a genuine bug.
SK> b.  Which has been fixed.


$curl http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/twiki/twiki_4.1.2-3.2.diff.gz 
2>/dev/null|gunzip|grep -A 219 '^[+]\{3\}.*postinst'|grep '/tmp/'

+   #put into /tmp/twiki so that the open dir can't be used by others to
fill up /var, thus crashing all logging
+   if [ ! -e /tmp/twiki ]; then
+       mkdir /tmp/twiki
+   chmod 1777 /tmp/twiki
+   chown $TWIKI_OWNER.www-data /tmp/twiki

Stable       1:4.0.5-9.1
Testing      1:4.1.2-3.2
Unstable     1:4.1.2-3.2

for etch:

$ curl
2>/dev/null |gunzip|grep -A 219 '^[+]\{3\}.*postinst'|grep '/tmp/' 
+   if [ ! -e /tmp/twiki ]; then
+       mkdir /tmp/twiki 
+   chmod 777 /tmp/twiki 
+   chown $TWIKI_OWNER.www-data /tmp/twiki

SK> c.  Except in Etch. 

and lenny and sid

SK> Steve
... mpd playing: U.D.O. - Man And Machine

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