#include <hallo.h>
* Michal Bialoskorski [Tue, Jun 07 2005, 10:43:26AM]:
> >gda.pl is broken, its http headers do confuse curl. Please bother the
> >site admin.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Eduard.
> > 
> >
> This file on ftp.task.gda.pl ( ftp.pl.debian.org ) is correct, there was 
> no error on server.

Oh, please, I am not kidding you, and I talk about HTTP (contents and
headers). I know it sends the correct content data, but it sends crappy
headers which works with some HTTP clients and with some it does not -
and this unfortunatelly happens with curl. It's even worse, curl runs
amok after seeing this and corrupts the retrieved data.

> I've checked apt from outside and everything is OK.

That is because the apt's "http" tool does tollerate bad stuff. Do a

curl -D foo http://ftp.task.gda.pl

and look at the foo contents. There is no length specification. WTF?

Do a

curl -D foo 
http://ftp.task.gda.pl/debian/dists/sarge/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz > 

and look at foo (with an editor that does not hide non-printable chars).

You cannot tell me that the binary junk around the word zip is
"correct". Nor do the content specification make much sense.

Please install a proper http daemon (webfs, boa, or even apache*) or fix


<jjFux> Wenn's beim (verdammt guten) Gefühl bei galon bleibt,
        schicke ich opera morgen in Rente
<LordYago> jjFux: Fällt Opera unter den Generationenvertrag? ;-)

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