I'm seeing this bug too, and investigated it a bit:

The warning is printed by test_safe_socket_dir() in src/orb/GIOP/giop.c.

The call graph is as follows:
       S_PRINT (("Owner of %s is not the current user\n", dirname));

At the top of scan_socket_dir(), I see the following comment:

  *   In the absence of being told which directory to
  * use, we have to scan /tmp/orbit-$USER-* to work out
  * which directory to use.

That is true because giop_tmpdir_init() will create
/tmp/orbit-$USER-$RANDOMSUFFIX if /tmp/orbit-$USER has already been created by some other user.

The problem appears to just be a superfluous warning from test_safe_socket_dir().

Dwayne C. Litzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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