clone 495806 -1
reassign -1 screen
retitle -1 pam_authenticate segfault results in authentication success

On 20-Aug-2008, Nico Golde wrote:
> It looks like a pam problem. I couldn't reproduce this with pam 
> but can with 1.0.1-2.
> From screen (attacher.c):
>     875 #ifdef USE_PAM
>     876       PAM_conversation.appdata_ptr = cp1;
>     877       pam_error = pam_start("screen", ppp->pw_name, 
> &PAM_conversation, &pamh);
>     878       if (pam_error != PAM_SUCCESS)
>     879         AttacherFinit(SIGARG);          /* goodbye */
>     880       pam_error = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0);
>     881       pam_end(pamh, pam_error);
>     882       PAM_conversation.appdata_ptr = 0;
>     883       if (pam_error == PAM_SUCCESS)
>     884         break;
>     885 #else
> This is done in a loop to check the password.
> A similar piece of code exists in 
> /usr/share/doc/libpam0g-dev/examples/check_user.c.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$] cp /usr/share/doc/libpam0g-dev/examples/check_user.c 
> .
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$] gcc -lpam -lpam_misc check_user.c -o check_user
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$] ./check_user nion; date; tail -1 /var/log/kern.log
> Authenticated
> Mi 20. Aug 20:01:40 CEST 2008
> Aug 20 20:01:40 coredump kernel: [1073387.605090] check_user[20665]: segfault 
> at 0 ip 7f9a2ebf40f9 sp 7fff37983980 error 4 in[7f9a2ebea000+c000]
> The segfault happens on the pam_authenticate call as far as I can see.
> Reassigning to pam...

The segfault in pam_authenticate needs to be addressed in the pam 

However, screen's behaviour in this instance is also buggy and 
insecure: i.e., that screen treats "segfault in pam_authenticate" as 
"successful authentication".

Cloning and retitling for this screen bug.

 \        “I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park |
  `\                          anywhere near the place.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |

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