I just re-ran a test, and I'm not seeing the problem in sid any more. Some
data points:

 * sid now contains python-nevow 0.9.31, which is packaged with pycentral
   instead of pysupport
 * the .egg-info is ineed in the correct place:
   which is a symlink to /usr/share/pyshared/Nevow-0.9.31.egg-info

Our Tahoe 'setup.py develop' step properly refrains from downloading or
building Nevow.

I don't know if setuptools contains a problem or not. It's possible that this
problem was caused by earlier versions of the debian python-nevow package
putting the .egg-info file in the wrong place. I imagine that Hardy has an
older version which may have problems, in which case this particular bug
could be closed (and perhaps reassigned to nevow for historical accuracy)
and the Ubuntu bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/allmydata.org/+bug/254035)
could be reassigned to nevow (and remains open in Hardy).


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