Le vendredi 08 août 2008 à 09:46 +0200, Simon Paillard a écrit :
> Hello Nicolas !

Hello Simon !

> On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 07:27:09AM +0000, Nicolas Aupetit wrote:
> > Submission-Type: new
> > Site: debian.nautile.nc
> > Type: leaf
> > Archive-architecture: amd64 i386 

> As said on IRC, don't forget to remove the arm packages already
> downloaded to your mirror (from /pool/ and /indices/files/ ) and from
> the debian-security as well :

In fact, we are also mirroring the arm archive-architecture.
It was my mistake to not mention it during registration of this mirror.

> > IPv6: no
> As I know you, it's strange there is no IPv6 :)

We don't have IPv6 connectivity today, hope soon!

> > This mirror could perhaps become ftp.nc.debian.org if you want so.
> In this case, please refer to http://www.debian.org/mirror/official
> (adding RSYNC should be enough)

I've added rsync :
- rsync debian.nautile.nc::debian
- rsync debian.nautile.nc::debian-security

But we also must mirror the complete archive to be an official mirror,
and we can't do this for the moment, but it will only be possible in few

> Since you are the first NC mirror, it's not very relevant for the moment
> because you will be at the top of the list of NC mirror anyway.


> The push mirroring step needs
> http://www.debian.org/mirror/push_mirroring and we will give you the
> contact of the ftp.au.debian.org admin.


> I've added the submitted form to the list of Debian mirrors, and leaves
> the bug open to track the push mirroring setup/rsync/ftp.nc.d.o


> Bye Nicolas !

Bye Simon.

Nicolas Aupetit - Nautile
Website : http://www.nautile.nc/

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