Am Mon, 25 Aug 2008 11:02:55 +0200 schrieb Alessandro Polverini

Ciao Allessandro,

> I see you have a Mylex Acceleraid RAID adaptor,

I've got three DAC960 controllers (2 of them dual [or three?] channel
SCSI III UW LVD Acceleraid 150 [or was it 170?] aka DAC960PTL1 with 8
MiB EDO RAM, and one older single channel DAC960PL fast wide SE SCSI II
with 32 MiB FPM RAM with ECC.

The first two are located in a stand by production system of my
brother, and in my backup and APT cache server. On these systems only
limited tests are possible, and I would have to perform them on my own,
because these systems must be fully functional in case the primary
systems are not.

The older controller, however, resides in a Debian Lenny test system
fully connected to the internet, and I can bring it back online at any
time for testing purposes.

> have you problems
> like me with newer kernels?

In fact, I have never worried about performance issues, so I can't say
anything about that bug. That I haven't noticed anything of
course doesn't mean that I don't have this problem.

> I would like to do more tests but the problem is that machine is in 
> production and I've no time and capability to better check the
> problem.
> I wonder if you suffer the same problem tough.

I can switch on the test machine at any time and provide you, the
Debian or upstream developers with the connection data via encrypted
mail. Simply send me your key fingerprints and mail addresses. You will
have full root access and internet connectivity around the clock via
ADSL (no flatrate though, so keep me informed of huge data transfers
to or from the machine). The machine is not in use, so you can install
kernels and reboot at will. Compiling will not be fast (Pentium II 400
MHz, all disks are older 8 GB on the RAID controller), however. Two of
the disks are empty, and can be used for performance tests.

Regards, Christoph

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