tags 497071 +pending

On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 19:34:42 +0200, Florian Kulzer writes:
>I noticed that the new version of duplicity prompts for the GnuPG passphrase
>even if it is used with --no-encryption:

thanks for nothing this. somebody upstream has already seen that 
problem, too, and a (small) patch is a available. the
patched version 0.4.12-2 is just about to be uploaded.

in the meantime you could run your duplicity like this to work around 
the issue:

PASSPHRASE=somegarbage duplicity ...


+ Alexander Zangerl + DSA 42BD645D + (RSA 5B586291)
Fachbegriffe der Informatik, Shockwave Flash: Augenkrebs -- FvL

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Description: Digital Signature

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