On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:38:30 +0200, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen


> Damián Viano wrote:
> > Hi Torquil, thanks for your bug report, it works fine for me
> > selecting and pasting with middle mouse button within the same
> > document in geany. Could you maybe try to reproduce this in a
> > different machine? Or maybe in a X session without a window manager
> > (i.e. a failsafe session)?
> > 
> > Thanks and hope we can squash this one soon :)
> > 
> >   Damián Viano
> > 
> Hi, I found out how to do it. It is just that it works differently
> that in other applications. The text to copy still has to be
> highlighted when I middle-click. I have always left-clicked once at
> the point where I want to insert the text before middle-clicking
> (which is maybe unneccesary...), and that didn't work in geany. When
> I copy text out of geany I can still do this, because then geany
> looses its focus and the text is still highlighted in geany after the
> left click in the other program.

I had a look at this and I think if this is really a bug, it's a bug in
Scintilla not directly in Geany (Scintilla is the embedded editing
component in Geany). 

I tested this also with SciTE (also based on Scintilla) and with
mousepad (based on GTK's TextView) from Xfce. And they both behave like
you describe: pasting doesn't work once the selection is gone. I don't
know the X selection specification (primary clipboard) but maybe this
is the intended behaviour.

But regardless of whether this is a bug or actually intended behaviour,
you can easily workaround this by using a clipboard manager like Xfce's
clipman which saves the current selection and so you can paste it
everywhere even if the previous selection doesn't exist anymore. I
really suggest to use it as it makes your life much easier and you
most probably will start to love it  after ten minutes of using it :).


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