reassign 497274 gnome-session

Le vendredi 05 septembre 2008 à 01:33 +0200, Cesare Leonardi a écrit :
> The guilty seems to be the file ~/.gnome2/session.
> I've tried to analyze the problem with 3 user accounts: two existing one 
> and a fresh new one. I've found that the new account doesn't show the 
> problem.
> Same thing if i rename the session file to something else: i can
> logout/reboot/shutdown correctly.
> I haven't ever modified this file by hand but i remember that in some
> Gnome version ago, there was a "Save profile" checkbox on every logout,
> and i remember that i've enabled that.
> I verified that both faulty account have that flag on (under System ->
> Preferences -> Sessions -> Session options) but the new account have
> the flag off.
> So i tried to disable that flag on these two accounts and now i can
> logout correctly from one of the two. In the other account i've also
> experimented the button "Remember Currently Running Applications" but
> that made the logout problem persist even without the save profile flag.
> I've corrected the problem renaming the file ~/.gnome2/session.
> Now i've renamed the session file and reenabled the remember flag: the 
> logout/reboot/poweroff works correctly and a new session file was created.

I think the .gnome2/session file was created by a buggy version of
gnome-session (around 2.18 I think) that did not remove autostarted
applications from it. But the real bug is to have this one in it:

> 6,RestartCommand=/usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager 
> --sm-disable 

If it is here, it means that the --sm-disable option did not work in
some past version, because it did register to the gnome-session. And now
that this option works, the program is still started but does not
register to the session, and gnome-session won’t consider it has failed
to start before a 120 seconds timeout.

There is no more bug in gnome-volume-manager now, but there may be one
in gnome-session if it still records this process as needing to be
restarted when you save the session again.

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