hi uwe,

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 05:21:21PM +0000, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>  mysql -utest 
> worked always, in suse and after switching to debian (4.0.22).
> Now when I upgraded to 4.0.24 the command did not work 
> I got 
> ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO

this is because we've removed anonymous access to the database for
default installations.  please trust us that this is a good thing :)

if you want to test connectivity to your mysql database, you will need
to set up yourself an account/password, or recreate the default

> Another  point: I  saw  that  version 4.0.24  in all,   three branches
> (stable  testing unstable)  and I  fail  to  see  the rationale behind
> this. If for  some  reason a  version in  unstable  has a bug  I could
> downgrade to the older version, but  now I can't. The only explanation
> for this policy seems to me a serious security problem.

before sarge came out, there were three versions available

stable: 3.23
testing: 4.0.x/4.1.x
unstable: 4.0.x/4.1.x

now, there are only two versions available (4.0.x/4.1.x) in all
three releases.  at some point, this will change when we introduce
5.0 into unstable, when we will probably at least remove 4.0.x from
the unstable and testing releases.

so about this bug, i'm not sure what more you want from it.  if there
are no objections, i'll go ahead and close it...



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