Package: vlc-nox
Version: 0.9.2-1


CPU usage for transcoding seems to have more than doubled between 0.8.6
and 0.9.2.
I'm using vlc to transcode and stream v4l content like:
        vlc ... v4l://:tuner=0:norm=pal:frequency=18814711 --sout 

While a cif size stream used about 10-12% CPU with 0.8.6 it now takes
23-27% with 0.9.2. A 720x576 size stream used about 38-40% CPU with
0.8.6 and takes 95-108% CPU now - both on a Core2Duo E8400.
Same ffmpeg-libs, same kernel. Using v4l2 doesn't help either.

It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students
that have had prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are
mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.  -- Dijkstra

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