tags 499033 pending

Hi Guido, hi Feri,

> As NEWS.Debian.gz in the librrd4 package states, the font
> specification is different now.  Instead of TTF file names one has to
> use Pango font names.  Thus munin-graph should be changed to eg.
>                      '--font' ,'LEGEND:7:mono',
> instead of
>                      '--font' ,'LEGEND:7:/usr/share/munin/VeraMono.ttf',
> Well, it will stay ugly (too much space after the decimal point), but
> will be at least aligned again.
i build a 'rrdtool 1.3 casing' in munin-graph so the legend font uses
now 'monospace'. It looks not so nice like VeraMono.ttf but better
aligned :-). 

best regards,

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