On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 02:58:14PM +0000, shirish wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
>  Apologies, I should have posted that before, would have made things
> lot easier for you as well .
> [apt]
> frontend=xterm-pager
> email_address=root
> confirm=1
> save_seen=/var/lib/apt/listchanges.db
> which=news headers
> By window I meant the xterm-pager which in my case is gnome-terminal.
> So what happens is one window of gnome-terminal which has some
> changelog listed, when the new comes it flashes for a sec. and the
> only way to see it properly is to say n to go ahead. Read whatever
> changelog window is open, after that is done then only I can do the
> whole thing again & then get apt-listchanges to show the changes. At
> any one time xterm-pager can only show one window not more.

Well, apt-listchanges tries to start a new window each time, and reuse
them not. So I don't understand how this is an apt-listchanges bug.

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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