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I'm sorry i wrote it too fast (didn't tested for typos )

James A. Treacy wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 03:59:16PM +0200, Boris Shtrasman wrote:
>> Fix for typos (Bat mizva not bas )
>> Addition of more event types
>> 62c62                                                                 
>> <     BAS_MITZVAH    = 17 # Bat mitzva since it is a girl             
>> ---                                                                   
>>>     BAS_MITZVAH    = 17                                             
>> 90,94d89                                                              
>> <     EVACUATION     = 45                                             
>> <     HUPA           = 46                                             
>> <     HADG         = 47                                               
>> <     GIYUR        = 48                                               
> [snip]
> While I am also more familiar with the term Bat Mitzvah, I noticed
> in a quick search that both 'Bas' and 'Bath' are used. I am guessing
> these are regional variations. Any reason to prefer one over the
> others?
In proper Hebrew Bath or at list "Bat" will be used.
Also fast Google says :
Bat : 2180K results
bas : 45K

Also AFAIK Bas is Ashkenazim while Bat will be world wide (Ashkenazim
is a Jewish person origin in Europe or Us)
> Can you come up with a less generic term than 'evacuation'? Most
> people would not guess the specific meaning intended. Would it be
> acceptable to add evacuation in the generic sense? You would
> then be free to explain more fully in the description.
During the WW2 there wore several evacuations while in Russia (former
soviet union )
it is a well known term "evakuztsia" evacuation .
Afaik it also had been done in England

I don't know much about what happen in England but i can tell about
what happen in the soviet union where factories , weapons , and
finally people where evacuated to the far east (also to the north ,
KavKaz and more ).

> How commonly used are the other terms? I could not find a definition
> for hadg.
One of the holiest things for a Muslim .
> The only definition I could find for Hupa is a member of the
> Athapaskan people of California.
This is my case of a typpo : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuppah

> Unfortunately, I do not at present see a way to define a custom event.
> I will bring this issue upstream.
While it could be strange why to add Hupa the reason is that Hupa is
not only a religius thing (wedding) .
Without hupa of his parents  Jewish person in isreal have to prove he
is a proper Jew (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F)

I belive that Adding more then Catholic (based) events could only help.
This is really strange but there should be

<         (BAS_MITZVAH     , _("Bat Mitzvah"), "Bat Mitzvah"),       
- ---                                                                  
>         (BAS_MITZVAH     , _("Bas Mitzvah"), "Bas Mitzvah"),        
<       (EVACUATION      , _("Evacuation During WW2"), "Evacuation
During WW2"),
<       (HUPA            , _("Hupa"),
<       (HADG            , _("Hadg"),
<       (GIYUR           , _("Giyur"), "Giyur"),

since this is what the user see.

- --
 -- Boris Shtrasman ------------
|Gnu/Linux Software developer   |
| IM       : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| URL      : myrtfm.blogspot.com|

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