
I do not think I missed anything, note that I copied and pasted the history
of synaptic.

I agree that the bug will be difficult to reproduce, I think it only happens
when all the intermingling dependences are devilish. For example, on my
first post on http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=19547 I tell a
history when synaptic first asked to remove packages in order to upgrade
another one but then, these packages to be removed could be reinstalled. I
often find the same behaviour from time to time. Maybe this is a bug of apt?
Of course, the case of the bug here is different, I claim that synaptic
pledged to reinstall the packages to be removed but they were not
reinstalled. Most times the "dirty trick" succeeds  (like in the post in the
forum), sometimes it fails (like in the case of this bug).

Maybe you can try, when you have the time, looking at the dependencies (and
distinguishing between "conflicts" and "depends", etc) of these specific
packages and versions I originally wrote in the bug. But I agree that the
bug might be difficult to reproduce...

Thank you,


2008/10/25 Ben Hutchings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have attempted to reproduce this bug in the current versions of
> Synaptic in both etch and sid, without success.
> I constructed a "test-old" distribution containing test-package-a 0.1
> and test-package-b 0.1, and a "test-new" distribution contains
> test-package-a 0.2.  test-package-b depends on a matching version of
> test-package-a.  So if you install both packages from the test-old
> distribution then switch to the test-new distribution you can upgrade
> test-package-a only if you remove test-package-b.
> When I attempt to upgrade test-package-a in Synaptic, it marks
> test-package-b for removal.  It does not allow me to mark test-package-b
> for reinstallation after this.  So either this bug has been fixed or you
> missed out some steps in your bug report.
> If you want to try reproducing this and cannot find an example in sid,
> you can find my test packages in the repositories:
> deb http://womble.decadent.org.uk/debian/ test-old/
> deb http://womble.decadent.org.uk/debian/ test-new/
> (The trailing "/" on the distribution name is critical.)  These are
> signed with my personal GPG key, id 12066207.
> Ben.

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