clone 474947 -1
reassign -1 release-notes
retitle -1 Update information about apt MMap problem in release notes

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:03:49PM +0200, A Mennucc wrote:
> hi bug, hi people, hi d-release
> I did some study on bug 474947, that is grave/RC, and is posted against APT.
> Since I was told that the APT team is understaffed, I decided to take
> action myself.

Firstly, thank you for all your hard work on this problem.

> So my conclusion is that the forthcoming release notes do address the
> problem some people may encounter in upgrading from  Etch to Lenny.

I agree. This issue isn't RC for lenny.

> I propose the attached patch, though, since it is funny to suggest a
> value of 12500000 (bytes) when the internal value in Lenny is 20MB.
> I hope someone in the d-relase team can apply it.

Thanks, I'll clone this and re-assign.

* stockholm bangs head against budget
<h01ger> outsch
<stockholm> h01ger: it is still very soft, i did not hurt myself
<gwolf> stockholm: But you bled on the budget, and now it's red again!

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