Le mardi 04 novembre 2008 à 18:38 +1100, Tim Richardson a écrit :
> Restoring patch 52 to pre-2.20-7-3 version works.
> With the 2.20-7-4 patch (& splashy) gdm doesn't seem to stop properly.
> Something else in the shutdown process kills it and the machine will
> reboot/shutdown without user intervention if splashy is not used, but if
> splashy is used the vt8 is never activated until the user manually does
> it via a keyboard action. 

I’d say this is the opposite. The new version of the patch prevents gdm
from being killed by an external process by ignoring signals received
during it. Especially, if the SIGTERM handler is executed during the
process, gdm will crash (double free).

Which means that gdm is not stopping properly on your system and that
some external process kills it. This mechanism stopped working in
2.20.7-4, which is – theoretically – a good thing.

So the real question is, what is preventing gdm from stopping. I’d be
much interested if you could do the following:
      * build and install a gdm package with debugging symbols (noopt
      * try to stop gdm by hand (/etc/init.d/gdm stop) or from itself
        (by setting RebootCommand to /bin/true and initiating a reboot)
        and see if there are processes remaining
      * if processes remain, obtain a gdb backtrace from them

> Could you revert the changes to patch 52? 

I’d prefer not to do it blindly. Upstream asked for these changes before
applying it to their tree, and I’d rather understand what’s going on.

> I of course have no idea why I only see this bug only on my two
> intel-based laptops and not on a Sid virtual machine or on a AMD/nvidia
> desktop; I just mention that in case there are problems reproducing this
> report.

This is actually interesting. I also have an intel-based laptop, and
during the shutdown process it does not switch to the VT where the
shutdown messages are displayed, while this works on my ATI machine.
Maybe there’s something else going on with the X server.

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