El 07/11/08 22:46 Peter Samuelson escribió:
> > On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 12:34:26PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> > > Equivs uses debhelper (for reasons I do not know, seems completely
> > > overkill for me), which means it is much slower than building a
> > > bare package manually.
> As the equivs maintainer, I'm intrigued: is this actually noticeable
> enough to be annoying to you?  It never even occurred to me that it
> would be better for equivs to construct packages without debhelper
> because of speed.

I created a hacky script to do this thing a while ago, and when devscripts 
started shipping mk-build-deps I noticed the difference. Nowadays I use 
http://sourcedeps.debian.net/, so I don't use this tool much anymore, but 
there is a difference (it's just creating a few files in a dir and then 
calling dpkg-deb, versus 10+ dh_* calls that do nothing).

> debhelper does take some burden off its users in 
> terms of keeping up with Policy compliance issues, and it makes the
> template files pretty readable.

However, metapackages created by mk-build-deps (I'm not sure of other uses for 
equivs) are empty packages, so making them policy compliant isn't difficult 
(no to mention that I don't see the need for them to be, although it's nice 
to have that).

> [Patrick Schoenfeld]
> > Personally I don't think that "much faster" is of much relevance for a
> > tool that takes about 2-3 seconds and is used max some times a day.
> Makes me wonder, though, if people really do find equivs too slow.

I found it annoying, because the normal use of equivs for me is when 
dpkg-buildpackage complains that the build-deps aren't satisfied, thus I have 
to wait for it to complete and then install the deb to build the package. 
Although the time involved is short, it's annoying because it requires 

Felipe Sateler

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