* Frederik Eaton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Package: iceweasel
> Version:
> Severity: normal
> Hello,
> I will give an example to illustrate my point. I have tried it out in
> "safe mode".
> (1) I enter "minimal entropy martingale measure" in Google's search
> text box
> (2) When the results come up, I want change my search text to "minimal
> martingale measure". I click just after the word "entropy" in the text
> box at the top of the results page, and the completion "minimal
> entropy martingale measure" appears appears in a menu below the box
> (even though that same string is also already in the box). (Actually,
> this happens only about 50% of the time, it may be necessary to try
> clicking at different parts of the word) Since I had to click on the
> search box to change the text, my cursor is right near the box. When I
> take my hand off the mouse to type, the cursor happens to move down a
> few pixels (this happens a lot when I use a trackpad, but also when I
> use my optical mouse), briefly crossing over the menu of completions.
> (3) This results in the single completion being highlighted. 
> Inexplicably, it stays highlighted even when my mouse has moved off of
> it to below the bottom of the menu. Even more strangely, it stays
> highlighted when I start typing in the text box.
> (4) I hit delete a few times to delete the word "entropy", but the
> completion "minimal martingale martingale measure", the text of my
> original search, is still highlighted.
> (5) I hit enter. This doesn't result in a new search with the new
> contents of the search box, as I had hoped; but it results in the
> completion (a useless completion, no less, since it was the original
> text of the box) being selected, and the edit I just made
> disappearing, and the text "minimal martingale martingale measure"
> returning to the search box, and no search happening.
> So, completion as implemented in this program (is it possible to turn
> it off, by the way?) is basically incompatible with my mouse moving
> down a few pixels after I take my hand off of it. That seems rather
> demanding - the mouse is an analog device and the cursor can't be
> expected to stay 100% still all the time. In general, it seems like a
> good idea for a highlighted menu selection to become unhighlighted
> when the user starts typing, even in the case where it is still under
> the cursor (which it is not, in my example above), since typing
> generally indicates a lack of intent to click.
> Thank you in advance - I hope that this can be eventually fixed...

Is this any better with the latest Iceweasel?

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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