On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Josselin Mouette wrote:

> Le samedi 27 septembre 2008 à 12:59 +0200, Jelle de Jong a écrit :
> > Ok this is a strange bug, and took me a lots of time to find the
> > program causing it. When oowriter has the focus, and there is
> > totem-xine process somehwere playing video not audio but only with
> > video, the file menu of oowriter keeps coming down making it
> > inpossible to work effectively. I made sure it is no external hardware
> > event. by removing all other usb devcies on my eeepc 701 platform. The
> > bug also happens when watching or listing to dvb-t tv or radio in
> > totem-xine. It does not happen when using kaffeine or playing only
> > audio with totem-xine.
> This looks like a driver issue. Does it still happen if you disable
> XVideo (forcing video.driver in ~/.gnome2/config). Does it happen with
> totem-gstreamer?

Nope, it's the anti-screensaver measure - xine presses fake keypresses
every 20-30 seconds.  See also bugs 506001, 374644 and

Tim Connors                  |  Anglo-Australian Observatory
http://site.aao.gov.au/twc   |  Coonabarabran, NSW 2357, Australia
                             |  Tel: +61 2 6842 6286

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