tag 496894 patch

I've attached a very simple but untested patch.

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http://www.debian.org - The Universal Operating System
=== modified file 'templates/en_US/cgi/bugreport.tmpl'
--- templates/en_US/cgi/bugreport.tmpl	2008-09-19 00:21:05 +0000
+++ templates/en_US/cgi/bugreport.tmpl	2008-11-28 16:30:23 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
      $output .= sprintf qq(<p><a href="%s">Full log</a></p>),html_escape(bug_links(bug=>$ref,links_only=>1));
   else {
-     $output .=  qq(<p><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Reply</a> ).
+     $output .=  qq(<p><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]($status{subject})}">Reply</a> ).
 	  qq(or <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">subscribe</a> ).
 	       qq(to this bug.</p>\n);
      $output .=  qq(<p><a href="javascript:toggle_infmessages();">Toggle useless messages</a></p>);

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