2008/11/25 Jan Hauke Rahm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 03:38:52PM +0200, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
>> This is not OK, since it breaks noninteractive builders. It should use
>> some form of withEcho or something simillar in order to take into
>> account the noninteractive option.
> True, my stupid mistake. Unfortunately withecho doesn't fit here. I'll
> have another look at it to figure something out.

As I said before, I think you should add a prompt function that chooses
the default option for non-interactive builds and chooses to ignore any
errors if --svn-ignore is present.

Which reminds me, --svn-ignore is used to choose the "ignore errors"
option in a withEcho prompt, when --svn-noninteractive is used/set.
By default, the default option (I think is always Quit) is chosen in
noninteractive builds.

>> This should be a warning, not a fatal error, thus...
> Well, I think user should have the chance to abort the process here (to
> not upgrade with source that's missing files), so a question seems
> reasonable for; don't you think?

Yes, but there should be support for non-interactive builds, too.

OTOH, if failing can be avoided (svn add --no-ignore everything except
.svn dirs), I think that is preferable.

So, since using "svn add --no-ignore" would yeld the same results for
interactive for as for noninteractive builds and avoids creating a prompt,
I think that we should investigate into that option.

I don't know, I am confused now about the best course of action... :-/

>> the default should be to go on with the ignored pattern, not to quit.
> Actually there is no default at all. At the moment you have to press y/Y
> or n/N, otherwise it will "retry". The question is (as above) if asking
> the user is more appropriate than just warning him/her.

Not having a default is a bug, as I said, since it breaks noninteractive

>> Another solution would be to simply use "svn add --no-igore" with all
>> the files found in the filesystem.
> Hmm... I have to reread the code again... Why is that SVN::Client stuff
> in there and not just your suggested "svn add"? I can't see any
> advantage at the moment.

Reuses the connection to the server and should be what we use from now
on ( >=0.7 ) in svn-bp. If that doesn't cut it, there is another perl module,
I think is called SVN::Ra, which should be used instead.

> Off topic: Why is that line
>    return 1 if ($SDCommon::opt_ignoreerrors);
> in sub withechoNoPrompt? As far as I can see (and debug) that means that
> no command is executed when noninteractive and ignoreerrors are set. It
> just returns 1. That pretty much looks like a bug, doesn't it? (I'm
> becoming more cautious)

No, it makes noninteractive builds not fail on errors which otherwise would have
stopped the build when --svn-ignoreerrors is passed.

There are several cases when such a behaviour is preferred.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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