Павел Lubetsky wrote:
> Package: hal
> Version: all
> Debian doesn`t have a gui for editing /etc/fstab by default; and,
> after installation, a novice can`t mount his not listed in fstab
> partitions via hal. It was fixed in allmost all major distros. Fixing
> it in debian will improve new user`s experience (especially for
> LiveCDs).
> P.S. Sorry for my English.

It's not actually clear what you want.
automounting for volumes should work nowadays for removable devices.

For static partitions, you indeed have to edit /etc/fstab, but mangling
/etc/fstab is not business of hal.

Could you elaborate a bit more, but you are trying to do, what your system is,
and what exactly fails.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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