Павел Lubetsky wrote: > Package: hal > Version: all > > Debian doesn`t have a gui for editing /etc/fstab by default; and, > after installation, a novice can`t mount his not listed in fstab > partitions via hal. It was fixed in allmost all major distros. Fixing > it in debian will improve new user`s experience (especially for > LiveCDs). > P.S. Sorry for my English.
It's not actually clear what you want. automounting for volumes should work nowadays for removable devices. For static partitions, you indeed have to edit /etc/fstab, but mangling /etc/fstab is not business of hal. Could you elaborate a bit more, but you are trying to do, what your system is, and what exactly fails. Michael -- Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth?
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