Thanks for sending me your initrd. I'm getting closer to fixing this bug. It looks like the changes in the path for themes and default theme has something to do with this and other crashes. We are now using /usr to store themes and this is a separate partition for most people. Also, the directory wasn't properly link in cpio when running from initramfs. We will need to ensure that splashy does read from the right path once changed.
Expect a fix this weekend.

On Dec 9, 2008, at 7:10, tim richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is it possible that your problem is related to /etc/splashy/ config.xml ?

Try copying this file to /root/config.xml and purging Splashy 0.3.10
(dpkg --purge splashy) (from Lenny) and installing the Sid version
(0.3.12), then copy your config.xml back to /etc/splashy.

Luis, I think you are following a false lead. See below for my "clues", but first, I followed your request:

1) I reverted to 0.3.10 and verified that it worked.

Then, I copied config.xml as you suggested

2) I purged and went back to Sid. libsplashy and uswsusp were also updated. After the updgrade, I verified that the bug reappeared (splashy flashes momentarily, and then it disappears, as described earlier in the bug report)
Then I copied the saved config.xml to /etc/splashy

(Of course, bug 504389 appeared after going back to 0.3.12, for which I have submitted a patch )

3) The saved config file made no difference. The startup behavious of 0.3.12 is still broken. I actually see this on all three machines running Debian, one of them being an AMD desktop with Nvidia video so it has nothing to do with intel graphics.

**** My clues: ****  :-)

It is very strange that a very simple fix solves the problem:
creating /etc/directfbrc and putting in a path to the log-file as I described earlier.
That is, this content in /etc/directfbrc solves the problem.


Move that file, and the bug reappears. 100% guaranteed. It also fixes it on all three of my machines.

Clue part 2: change the log-file path to be /root/directfb.log and the bug reappears.

So it only fixes the problem when /tmp is used

There is not actually any log file created in /tmp.

I hope this is a huge clue, but I don't know enough about directfb to make any sense of it. My wild guess is that without /etc/directfbrc, directfb falls back to a default location that is not writable. Why would that affect this new version of splashy? Change of execution to premount, maybe?

Also strange: I can not duplicate the error on any virtualbox machines. I even made a virtual machine with a separate /home partition.
Couldn't reproduce it.

The new file calls the themes from /usr/share/splashy/themes/. I just
want to rule out that this is not the cause of your problem. Can you
send a copy of your initrd (/boot/initrd.img-`uname -r`) and
/etc/fstab to my email?

I will send my initrd.img via

/etc/fstab is:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/hda1       /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1
/dev/hda6       /home           ext3    defaults        0       2
/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

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