On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:19:31 +0200, maximilian attems <m...@stro.at> wrote:

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 04:37:01PM +0200, Eugene Paskevich wrote:
Let me start with some additional relevant info.

The root fs is located on LVM and is described in
/etc/fstab with LABEL= notation, which leads
to the following mount output for root filesystem:

> mount | grep "on / "
/dev/dm-0 on / type ext3 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro)

just as quick head on.
this seems pretty much related to #489008

Unfortunately, it's not really related to that bug.
My LABEL is ROOT, so no parsing problem.
On the other hand initramfs-tools rely on mount command output which doesn't 
show labels in my case.

haven't had the time yet to look at it, so patches are welcome :)

A simple patch in attachment did the trick.

Eugene Paskevich             |   *==)-----------   |     Plug me into
eug...@raptor.kiev.ua        |   -----------(==*   |      The Matrix

Attachment: dev_dm.patch
Description: Binary data

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