Le mercredi 24 décembre 2008 à 10:24 +0100, Eric Valette a écrit :
> 2 r-ptxp-ceva6380:~->mkdir /tmp/toto
> 3 r-ptxp-ceva6380:~->cd /tmp/toto
> 4 r-ptxp-ceva6380:/tmp/toto->echo "text" >> AA1-XxxxxXxxxxxxxé
> 5 r-ptxp-ceva6380:/tmp/toto->export LANG=fr_FR.utf8
> 6 r-ptxp-ceva6380:/tmp/toto->icedove
> /usr/lib/icedove/run-mozilla.sh: line 131:  7216 Aborted                
> "$prog" ${1+"$@"}    <<<< Crash

The specific issue in UTF8 encoding looks specific to Moldzilla. You can
check the behavior of the file selector itself with "zenity
--file-selection", which doesn’t crash when you use the UTF8 encoding.
Which means icedove passes an invalid UTF8 string to a function that
expects valid UTF8, while e.g. gedit or zenity don’t.

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