Package: perl
Version: 5.10.0-18
Severity: important
Tags: security

As reported by Anna Bernathova in

> rm -rf dir && mkdir dir && ln -s
> .//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//etc dir/subdir && tar -cf
> dir.tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 dir/subdir dir/subdir/passwd
> and then
> use Archive::Tar;
> my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($ARGV[0]);
> $tar->extract();
> on your archive, you will get attempt to rewrite /etc/passwd:

This was fixed upstream in 1.39_01. Ubuntu backported the fix recently
for 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2.2; I'm attaching their patch.
Niko Tyni
--- perl-5.10.0.orig/debian/patches/90_archive_tar_fix_symlink_unpack
+++ perl-5.10.0/debian/patches/90_archive_tar_fix_symlink_unpack
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+second half of unpack issue CVE-2007-4829, from 1.39_01 of Archive::Tar
+diff -uNrp perl-5.10.0~/lib/Archive/Tar/t/90_symlink.t perl-5.10.0/lib/Archive/Tar/t/90_symlink.t
+--- perl-5.10.0~/lib/Archive/Tar/t/90_symlink.t	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
++++ perl-5.10.0/lib/Archive/Tar/t/90_symlink.t	2008-12-03 12:56:19.000000000 -0800
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
++        chdir '../lib/Archive/Tar' if -d '../lib/Archive/Tar';
++    }       
++    use lib '../../..';
++BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' }
++use lib '../lib';
++use strict;
++use File::Spec;
++use File::Path;
++use Test::More;
++### developer tests mostly, so enable them with an extra argument
++plan skip_all => "Skipping tests on this platform" unless @ARGV;
++plan 'no_plan';
++my $Class   = 'Archive::Tar';
++my $Dir     = File::Spec->catdir( qw[src linktest] );    
++my %Map     = (
++    File::Spec->catfile( $Dir, "linktest_with_dir.tar" ) => [
++        [ 0, qr/SECURE EXTRACT MODE/ ],
++        [ 1, qr/^$/ ]
++    ],
++    File::Spec->catfile( $Dir, "linktest_missing_dir.tar" ) => [
++        [ 0, qr/SECURE EXTRACT MODE/ ],
++        [ 0, qr/File exists/ ],
++    ],
++use_ok( $Class );
++{   while( my($file, $aref) = each %Map ) {
++        for my $mode ( 0, 1 ) {
++            my $expect = $aref->[$mode]->[0];
++            my $regex  = $aref->[$mode]->[1];
++            my $tar  = $Class->new( $file );
++            ok( $tar,                   "Object created from $file" );
++            ### damn warnings
++            local $Archive::Tar::INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE = $mode;
++            local $Archive::Tar::INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE = $mode;
++            ok( 1,                  "   Extracting with insecure mode: $mode" );
++            my $warning;
++            local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= "@_"; warn @_; };
++            my $rv = eval { $tar->extract } || 0;
++            ok( !$@,                "       No fatal error" );
++            is( !!$rv, !!$expect,   "       RV as expected" );
++            like( $warning, $regex, "       Error matches $regex" );
++            rmtree( 'linktest' );
++        }
++    }        
+diff -uNrp perl-5.10.0~/lib/Archive/ perl-5.10.0/lib/Archive/
+--- perl-5.10.0~/lib/Archive/	2007-12-18 02:47:07.000000000 -0800
++++ perl-5.10.0/lib/Archive/	2008-12-03 12:56:19.000000000 -0800
+@@ -561,26 +561,61 @@ sub _extract_file {
+     ### it's a relative path ###
+     } else {
+-        my $cwd     = (defined $self->{cwd} ? $self->{cwd} : cwd());
++        my $cwd     = (ref $self and defined $self->{cwd}) 
++                        ? $self->{cwd} 
++                        : cwd();
+         my @dirs = defined $alt
+             ? File::Spec->splitdir( $dirs )         # It's a local-OS path
+             : File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $dirs );  # it's UNIX-style, likely
+                                                     # straight from the tarball
+-        ### paths that leave the current directory are not allowed under
+-        ### strict mode, so only allow it if a user tells us to do this.
+         if( not defined $alt            and 
+-            not $INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE  and 
+-            grep { $_ eq '..' } @dirs
+-        ) {
+-            $self->_error(
+-                q[Entry ']. $entry->full_path .q[' is attempting to leave the ].
+-                q[current working directory. Not extracting under SECURE ].
+-                q[EXTRACT MODE]
+-            );
+-            return;
+-        }            
++            not $INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE 
++        ) {            
++            ### paths that leave the current directory are not allowed under
++            ### strict mode, so only allow it if a user tells us to do this.
++            if( grep { $_ eq '..' } @dirs ) {
++                $self->_error(
++                    q[Entry ']. $entry->full_path .q[' is attempting to leave ].
++                    q[the current working directory. Not extracting under ].
++                    q[SECURE EXTRACT MODE]
++                );
++                return;
++            } 
++            ### the archive may be asking us to extract into a symlink. This
++            ### is not sane and a possible security issue, as outlined here:
++            ###
++            ###
++            ###
++            my $full_path = $cwd;
++            for my $d ( @dirs ) {
++                $full_path = File::Spec->catdir( $full_path, $d );
++                ### we've already checked this one, and it's safe. Move on.
++                next if ref $self and $self->{_link_cache}->{$full_path};
++                if( -l $full_path ) {
++                    my $to   = readlink $full_path;
++                    my $diag = "symlinked directory ($full_path => $to)";
++                    $self->_error(
++                        q[Entry ']. $entry->full_path .q[' is attempting to ].
++                        qq[extract to a $diag. This is considered a security ].
++                        q[vulnerability and not allowed under SECURE EXTRACT ].
++                        q[MODE]
++                    );
++                    return;
++                }
++                ### XXX keep a cache if possible, so the stats become cheaper:
++                $self->{_link_cache}->{$full_path} = 1 if ref $self;
++            }
++        }
+         ### '.' is the directory delimiter, of which the first one has to
+         ### be escaped/changed.
+@@ -622,7 +657,8 @@ sub _extract_file {
+     unless ( -d _ ) {
+         eval { File::Path::mkpath( $dir, 0, 0777 ) };
+         if( $@ ) {
+-            $self->_error( qq[Could not create directory '$dir': $...@] );
++            my $fp = $entry->full_path;
++            $self->_error(qq[Could not create directory '$dir' for '$fp': $...@]);
+             return;
+         }
+@@ -672,8 +708,13 @@ sub _extract_file {
+         $self->_make_special_file( $entry, $full ) or return;
+     }
+-    utime time, $entry->mtime - TIME_OFFSET, $full or
+-        $self->_error( qq[Could not update timestamp] );
++    ### only update the timestamp if it's not a symlink; that will change the
++    ### timestamp of the original. This addresses bug #33669: Could not update
++    ### timestamp warning on symlinks
++    if( not -l $full ) {
++        utime time, $entry->mtime - TIME_OFFSET, $full or
++            $self->_error( qq[Could not update timestamp] );
++    }
+     if( $CHOWN && CAN_CHOWN ) {
+         chown $entry->uid, $entry->gid, $full or
+@@ -707,8 +748,8 @@ sub _make_special_file {
+                 or $fail++;
+         }
+-        $err =  qq[Making symbolink link from '] . $entry->linkname .
+-                qq[' to '$file' failed] if $fail;
++        $err =  qq[Making symbolic link '$file' to '] .
++                $entry->linkname .q[' failed] if $fail;
+     } elsif ( $entry->is_hardlink ) {
+         my $fail;
+diff -uNrp perl-5.10.0~/MANIFEST perl-5.10.0/MANIFEST
+--- perl-5.10.0~/MANIFEST	2007-12-18 02:47:07.000000000 -0800
++++ perl-5.10.0/MANIFEST	2008-12-03 12:57:37.000000000 -0800
+@@ -1413,6 +1413,7 @@ lib/Archive/Tar/t/01_use.t	Archive::Tar 
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t	Archive::Tar tests
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/03_file.t	Archive::Tar tests
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/04_resolved_issues.t	Archive::Tar tests
++lib/Archive/Tar/t/90_symlink.t	Archive::Tar tests
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/b	Archive::Tar tests
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/bar.tar.packed	Archive::Tar tests
+ lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tgz.packed	Archive::Tar tests

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