On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 03:49:35PM +0100, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> 2008/12/31 Martin Meredith <m...@ubuntu.com>:
> > On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 03:24:51PM +0100, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I don't get it, why you (Martin) requested its removal? I use it in a
> >> daily basis and it works like a charm.
> >> If you no longer wish to maintain it then please say so, I would adopt
> >> it immediately and even port it to kde4 when the right time comes
> >> (lenny ships KDE3!!!, and will still be around for a while).
> >
> > Apologies, I was under the misunderstanding that lenny would be shipping 
> > KDE4,
> > which is why I asked for the removal!
> >
> If that would have been the case, the package would have not been in
> testing for several months now and you would have received a RC bug
> mail in your inbox.
> > I'm happy to maintain it in Debian, but, as I'm also upstream, I don't have 
> > time
> > to do the upstream either. :(
> I could adopt it as upstream as well (like I did zwith kcheckgmail),
> but let's discuss that later and off list.

Yes, we'll talk about that offlist at a later date

> >
> > Again, I apologise, I was under the misapprehension lenny was shipping 
> > KDE4, and
> > only KDE4.
> >
> > If someone can give me the details for the process of re-adding this (I 
> > presume
> > NEW?) then let me know - and I will do so.
> Yes, the package has to go through NEW again, but please coordinate
> with ftpmasters and release team, so that there are more chances to
> get it back.

CC:ing release list and my sponsor.  (ftp team should already be notified)

Francois, will you re-upload this for me once I find where I've stored the 
package? (It's on a backup drive somewhere from when I had to reinstall?)

Release Team, as this has already been in testing, and will be the same 
can you allow this to be pushed through to unstable?

Unless that is, the ftp team have some magic way of undoing the removal?

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