Le 02.01.2009 17:49:41, Johan Walles a écrit :
>So bytes sent on the livebox interface suddenly goes down from 7400435
>to 60403.
>Either that's because libgtop reports strange numbers, or it's because
>I'm messing up somehow.  To rule out libgtop I've written a program
>that measures network load like bubblemon is doing, but this program
>just prints the network load to stdout.
>Build it like this (it should build without warnings):
>gcc -Werror -Wall -Wextra $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libgtop-2.0) -g
>-O0 netload.c -o netload
>Run it like this:
>./netload livebox > netload.out
>Then start a bubblemon and wait for it to crash.
>When bubblemon crashes, please send me a copy of your netload.out.
>  //Johan

Here is the output of the netload program.
FYI, "livebox" is and ethernet interface renamed with nameif.

# The primary network interface
auto livebox
iface livebox inet static
    pre-up nameif livebox 00:11:2F:C6:5A:38
    up route add default gw



Attachment: netload.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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Description: PGP signature

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