Package: approx
Version: 3.5-1
Severity: important


"approx-import", "approx-gc" and "approx-import" want to be run
as the user that is defined in "/etc/approx/approx.conf", which
happens to be "approx" in the default configuration. However,
again in the default configuration, the user "approx" does not
have a valid shell. Because of this, to be able to use
"approx-import", "approx-gc" or "approx-update", one has to write
very long command lines like the following:

=== 8< ===
su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/approx-import /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" 
=== >8 ===

As you can see, this is a bit inconvenient. Furthermore, none
of the other competing apt proxy utilities (such as apt-cacher,
apt-cacher-ng, apt-proxy) require such long command lines just
to import packages.

Here's a command-line conversation showing the severity of
the problem: (I have added a few line breaks for readability.)

=== 8< ===
root:~ # approx-import /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb
Failure: not running as user approx

root:~ # su approx
root:~ # echo $?

root:~ # su -c "approx-import /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" approx
root:~ # echo $?

root:~ # grep approx /etc/passwd

root:~ # su -s /bin/bash -c "approx-import /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" approx
bash: approx-import: command not found

root:~ # su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/approx-import 
/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" approx
root:~ # echo $?
0 # finally...
=== >8 ===

As you can see, the combination of the installation path of "approx-import"
and the fact that the user "approx" has "/bin/false" as the default shell
amounts to big inconveniences when one tries to use "approx-import",
"approx-gc" or "approx-update".

Here is a suggestion: "approx-import" could check if it is being run as
root, and then try to set its user ID to the one defined in the configuration
file of "approx". Otherwise, it could emit a warning message stating that it
is being run as a user other than "root" and "approx" and then it could try
to run as the user who actually runs "approx-import". (Similar suggestions
apply to "approx-gc" and "approx-update".)


M. Vefa Bicakci

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