
On Saturday 22 November 2008, John Talbut wrote:
> When I start my computer I often get a screen with the wrong resolution
> and not centred on the monitor, like this:
> http://lh3.ggpht.com/_aTSyvLB4YWc/SRFI4A9dk2I/AAAAAAAAABM/40kB7pOjaz0/Start
>%20screen.jpeg (without the moiré effect).
> If I restart my computer I then get the correct screen.
> Comparing Xorg.0.log (which gave the correct resolution) and
> Xorg.0.log.old (before the restart, gave the wrong resolution) things
> seem to start going wrong at:
> Xorg.0.log:
> (--) CHROME(0): VT162x: RGB connected.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: X Configuration: 0x00
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: BIOS Initialised register: 0x07
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: CRT.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: TV.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaModesAttach
> Xorg.0.log.old:
> (--) CHROME(0): VT162x: Nothing connected.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: X Configuration: 0x00
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: BIOS Initialised register: 0x07
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaOutputsSelect: CRT.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaModesAttach

The problem you are facing appears to be a hardware problem, and according to 
Xavier Bachelot (one of the openchrome devs) it is likely to be in the i2c 
bus. He suggests forcing the only active output to be the CRT, to try to 
workaround the incorrect mode used when something is detected on the tv out.

Try by adding the following line to the Device section of your xorg.conf:
Option "ActiveDevice" "CRT"

If you have no Device section, add the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
        Option "ActiveDevice" "CRT"

Hope that helps.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Maintainer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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