Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jan 2009, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
>> My wish is remove this exception and put 'Essential: yes' line after
>> 'Status:' line as dpkg does for all other package entry lines.
> And what is the rationale for this change?
> (Such a change needs a rationale, it won't be done just to please you)
It may (may, not essentially will) simplify some code that parse
/var/lib/dpkg/status. Now one can't rely that it will be always 'Status' line
after 'Package' entry. And, not related to previous, removing exception from
some rule usually leads to cleaner understandings and cleaner and smaller
code. If it's not the case, or such a change may break anything, then the
change is undesirable. This is only a wish, after all.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
Ukrainian C++ Developer, Debian Maintainer, APT contributor

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