As input I used the attached file, here is the full command I used:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mysources/deb-live$ dfsbuild -c dfs.cfg -w deblive1
Using working directory: /home/elcuco/mysources/deb-live/deblive1
Using library directory: /usr/lib/dfsbuild
Running: cdebootstrap --debug -v -d 
unstable /home/elcuco/mysources/deb-live/deblive1/target
D: Execute "mkdir 
-p /home/elcuco/mysources/deb-live/deblive1/target//var/cache/apt/archives"
D: Return code: 0
D: Execute "mkdir 
-p /home/elcuco/mysources/deb-live/deblive1/target//var/lib/apt/lists"
D: Return code: 0
P: Retrieving Release
D: Execute "wget -q 
D: Return code: 0
P: Parsing Release
P: Retrieving Packages.gz
D: Execute "wget -q 
W: got signal

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mysources/deb-live$ dfsbuild -c dfs.cfg -w deblive1 > 
E: Unknown suite etch
Fatal error: exception Shell.Subprocess_error(_, 0)
# arch-tag: Default configuration file
# Copyright (c) 2004 John Goerzen

# Overall settings, set defaults for all archs

# Name of generated disc
name = Debian From Scratch (DFS)

# Version of generated disc
version = 0.6.19

# Person that built it
builder = John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Repositories to mirror.  Details about each one are configured below.
dlrepos = stable testing unstable

# Repository to build the CD with.  Must be in above list.
suite = unstable

# Whether or not to use zftree compression on ISO image
compress = yes

# Files to never compress if the above is yes
# If a dir is given, that dir and everything below is not compressed
dontcompress = /boot

# Location of dfsbuild support files
libdir = /usr/lib/dfsbuild

# Location of docs for CD
docdir = /usr/share/doc/dfsbuild

# Bootloader to place on CD.  Choices are:
# grub-hd              GRUB with ElTorito hard disk emulation (not working yet)
# grub-no-emul         "raw" ElTorito image
# aboot                Alpha SRM bootloader
# yaboot               PowerPC bootloader
# (usually set in arch area)
bootloader = grub-no-emul

# Packages to install on live FS, on all archs, besides base system
allpackages = util-linux parted dmsetup
        reiser4progs reiserfsprogs jfsutils xfsprogs xfsdump
        e2tools e2fsprogs e2undel dosfstools mtools hfsutils ntfstools
        hfsplus mkisofs cdrecord dvd+rw-tools ocaml hugs ghc6 perl
        vim nano joe kernel-package libncurses5-dev
        ftp ssh telnet elinks less zip unzip tar info man-db manpages-dev
        manpages cdebootstrap diff patch gawk tcpdump bash tcsh
        coreutils module-init-tools modutils rsh-client tftp 
        traceroute iputils-tracepath strace iputils-ping iptraf
        iproute ipchains ipfwadm iptables ifupdown ppp dhcp-client
        bind9-host whois dnsutils rsync rdiff-backup mutt netcat
        cpio buffer alien bzip2 dpkg-dev devscripts afbackup busybox-static
        dash sash usbutils pciutils hotplug discover 
        buffer cramfsprogs minicom hdparm binutils
        ntpdate ext2resize disktype mt-st ddrescue
        umsdos recover dvhtool ms-sys lde 
        smbclient kernel-source-2.6.8 dpkg-repack
        devscripts debhelper amanda-client dump e2fsprogs gs-esp
        emacs21-nox mtr-tiny python-dev build-essential g++
        wget lftp lynx pppoeconf pppoe pppconfig pcmcia-cs
        wireless-tools lrzsz cu debconf tla unison star
        mt-st tob afio pax dvbackup mtx kernel-patch-debian-2.6.8
        grep-dctrl kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4 
        kernel-patch-skas lsof
        sysutils udftools epic4 screen gnupg mdadm
        macutils dar dfsbuild
        cvs subversion darcs lvm2

# Default mirror for "repo" sections
#Iirror = http://localhost/apt-cacher/
#mirror = http://mirrors/debian
mirror =

# Devices to probe for CD
devices = scd0 scd1 scd2 scd3 scd4 hda hdb hdc hdd hde hdf hdg

# Files to place on the ramdisk
ramdisk_files = /etc/resolv.conf

# Directories to create on live fs
makedirs = /root/.elinks

# Files to delete from live fs
deletefiles = /etc/rcS.d/*discover 

# Arch settings: i386

# Name of any kernel images to install directly from your current filesystem
#kernels = /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.6-amd64

# Modules to copy from host filesystem
# modules = /lib/modules/*

# Debs from local fs to unpack on live FS (will not be configured)
unpackdebs = /usr/src/kernel-image-2.6.7_dfs.1.0_i386.deb

# Override default to also get amd64
dlrepos = amd64 stable testing unstable

# Other packages to install besides the list in DEFAULT
packages = %(allpackages)s grub lilo read-edid testdisk gpart ftape-util

# Debs from local fs to isntall on live fs
# installdebs = 

# Bootloader (see options under default)
bootloader = grub-no-emul

# Extra lines for grub config
#grubconfig = default 1

# Repository configuration

# Repositories to download
[repo stable]
suite = stable

[repo testing]
suite = testing

[repo unstable]
suite = unstable

# Text to add to existing files

/etc/network/interfaces = iface eth0 inet dhcp
  iface eth1 inet dhcp
  iface eth2 inet dhcp
  iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  iface wlan1 inet dhcp
  iface wlan2 inet dhcp
  iface ath0 inet dhcp

/etc/issue = Welcome to Debian From Scratch (DFS)
 To login, supply username "root" and just press Enter if asked for a

/root/.bashrc = export WWW_HOME="file:///opt/dfsruntime/home.html"

# Files to create or truncate

/etc/hostname = dfs

/etc/syslog.conf = *.*             /dev/tty8
 *.info                            /dev/tty7

# Symlinks to create (from = to format)

/etc/mtab = /proc/mounts

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