reassign 513579 alsa-base

On Jan 30, clue <> wrote:

> When connecting my webcam before booting up, the webcam gets used as
> soundcard, instead of my real one. It always happens, when i have not
> installed the driver (gspca). It still happens (now and then, but still too
> often), when the driver is installed. 
Not an udev bug. Maybe not a bug at all.

> Symptoms:
> - No two soundsource at the same time can be played together (no 2x Xine or
> Flash + Xine). 
> - Amarok via alsa complains with something like:???Xine could not initiate
> soundriver???. I have to switch to OSS for audio.
> - KDE starts with errormessage like this:???device /dev/dsp??? not found,
> continuing using the null device???


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