Package: zope2.10
Version: 2.10.6-1~bpo40+1

Weekly log rotation for plone yields the following message on stderr or stdout:

kill(7103, 12)
signal 12 sent to process 7103

where PID 7103 is:

server:~# ps aux | grep 7103
zope      7103  0.0 11.4 155220 117932 ?       Sl   Jan13   0:40 
/usr/bin/python2.4 /usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/ -C 

It seems that everything is fine, it would just be nice if the output of zopectl
logreopen were piped to /dev/null or it hadn't printed anything at all (no news
is good news).


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