On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 21:57:18 +0100
"Bernhard R. Link" <brl...@debian.org> wrote:

> * Neil Williams <codeh...@debian.org> [090213 17:55]:
> > The manpage for conf/distributions is correct but it should warn that if
> > conf/distributions is setup wrongly for Suite and Codename, untold pain
> > can ensue in the future.
> I've added the following in CVS, do you think it suffices?
> |+
> |+Note that this name is not supposed to change.
> |+You most likely \fBnever ever\fP want a name like \fBtesting\fP
> |+or \fBstable\fP here (those are suite names and supposed to point
> |+to another distribution later).

Yes, that would be good - added to the Codename stanza, I assume.

> Unless you have Tracking enabled and have additional files stored in
> the pool (like .changes files), the easiest way is just to copy the
> distribution:

(mental note: investigate tracking.) :-)

(Beginning to think that Log: could be used to feed RSS too.)
> 1) remove all symlinks in dists/ that should be replaced by proper
> distributions

remove the broken suites from conf/distributions as well? As suites are

> 2) add new distributions in conf/distributions with the correct
> Codenames.

So, now we have (corrected) Codenames of etch, lenny, sid *and*
old codenames of stable, testing and unstable - all as codenames?

> 3) copy all packages (either with temporary pull lines, or with
> a copyfilter for everything like
> $ reprepro copyfilter etch stable 'Package'
> )
> 4) check that everything is copied properly
> 5) remove the old distributions, remove the Pull: options from the
> new ones, add Suite: (if not already done) and run createsymlinks
> and clearvanished (to be extra sure, run dumpunreferenced before
> clearvanished and run --keepunreferenced clearvanished and then check
> if something lost its last reference (should not if everything was
> copied)).

I think I'll test that a few times on other (local) broken repositories
before trying it on the live server. ;-)
Thanks for the tips.


Neil Williams

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