> > The new 'radeon' driver correctly detects 2x. It doesn't seem to
> > freeze.
> >
> > However, full-screen 640x480 mode is now a small display centered in
> > the full 1024x768 screen. Before it really switched resolution to
> > cover the full screen.
> The scaling should default to full rather then center.  Can attach the
> output of xrandr --verbose?

Here it is.

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 1024
VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
        Identifier: 0x5c
        Timestamp:  144086
        Subpixel:   no subpixels
        Clones:     DVI-0
        CRTCs:      0 1
        load_detection: 1 (0x00000001) range:  (0,1)
DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
        Identifier: 0x5d
        Timestamp:  144086
        Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
        Clones:     VGA-0
        CRTCs:      0 1
                scaler: off
LVDS connected 1024x768+0+0 (0x60) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y 
axis) 0mm x 0mm
        Identifier: 0x5e
        Timestamp:  144086
        Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
        CRTC:       0
        CRTCs:      0
                scaler: full
  1024x768 (0x60)   65.0MHz *current +preferred
        h: width  1024 start 1040 end 1176 total 1344 skew    0 clock   48.4KHz
        v: height  768 start  770 end  771 total  806           clock   60.0Hz
  1024x768 (0x61)   65.0MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock   48.4KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock   60.0Hz
S-video disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
        Identifier: 0x5f
        Timestamp:  144086
        Subpixel:   no subpixels
        CRTCs:      0 1
                tv_standard: ntsc
        tv_vertical_position: 0 (0x00000000) range:  (-5,5)
        tv_horizontal_position: 0 (0x00000000) range:  (-5,5)
        tv_horizontal_size: 0 (0x00000000) range:  (-5,5)

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