Hi Jesse,

> I'm wondering that if adding the "Breaks" would introduce new problems
> to users who don't have this problem?

Yes, they won't be able to upgrade to the new shared-mime-info package until
they upgrade the packages for which we are adding a Breaks field.

It's pretty much like with Conflicts... in fact we are likely going to use
Conflicts as some buildds are still using Etch's dpkg and thus can't build
packages with Breaks in their control file.

But of the 3 breaks, tracker has been uploaded today to unstable so it's ok, and
we want to upload nautilus and libgnomevfs to unstable soon, but for that to
happen we will need to upload GTK+ 2.14 first.

Anyway it won't hurt anybody as you can still use shared-mime-info from testing,
but we will try to make the transition as fast as possible.


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