Am Samstag, den 21.02.2009, 00:04 -0300 schrieb Henrique de Moraes
> On Sat, 21 Feb 2009, Rieker Flaik wrote:
> > I just hate it to see that /dev/shm and /lib/init/rw use hundrets of
> > Megabyte of my RAM!!!
> They don't.  That's the maximum ammount of virtual memory they're allowed to
> use, just that.
> Unless, of course, something is filling those filesystems with junk?  THEN
> they will take up to that ammount of virtual memory (most of which CAN be
> swapped, I don't know if the inode tables are swappable, but the file data
> IS).

I checked the directory and watched at "df": 512 MB big but 0% used.
With "xosview" or "top", the useable RAM is my real amount minus he 512.
So where is the "CAN" now? I just don't get it.

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