which version of python-central is this? Please check if this is still an issue
with 0.6.8.

. schrieb:
> Package: python-central
> aptitude often fails with the following:
> *Traceback (most recent call last):*
>> *  Fi*le* "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 1373, in ?*
>> *    main()*
>> *  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 1367, in main*
>> *    rv = action.run(global_options)*
>> *  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 952, in run*
>> *    pkg.remove(runtimes, remove_script_files=True)*
>> *  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 697, in remove*
>> *    default_runtime.remove_byte_code(self.private_files)*
>> *AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove_byte_code'*
> *
> *I've devised a simple workaround which will at least allow aptitude to
> finish the job it's doing, although it doesn't address the core issue and
> will likely leave several package files undeleted when using aptitude's
> purge/remove command..
> (I'm guessing it might be that some of python-central's syntax was designed
> for python v2.5, instead of 2.4) .. Anyway here goes:
> Simply change line 696 in /usr/bin/pycentral (in the python-central package)
> from:
> "            if self.private_files:"
> To:
> "            if self.private_files and
> hasattr(default_runtime,'remove_byte_code'):"
> *
> *

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