reopen 433392

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:39:09 +0000 Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
> which was filed against the package:
> #433392: regression on usertags (*all* nonfree-doc bugs are 
> shown as "Will Not Fix")
> It has been closed by Don Armstrong

The explanation was:

> This regression has been fixed and verified.

Don, I cannot really understand what's going on.
I checked yesterday, in order to verify that the regression was
actually fixed.  Everything seemed to be OK.

I revisited the URL today, and, guess what?
I again see "Will Not Fix" in all the gray-background titles.
And again, the summary says:

| Classification
|     * 209 Will Not Fix

Now, I reloaded the URL once more and, guess what?
The regression went away again: everything looks fine.
The titles do not show any "Will Not Fix" and the summary says:

| Classification
|     * 1 Patch Available
|     * 8 Unclassified

One more update: I reloaded the URL one more time and...
The regression reappeared!
"Will Not Fix" in the titles and the summary says:

| Classification
|     * 209 Will Not Fix

Another reload with my browser and the regression disappears again!!!

Is that a kind of magic? Or superstition?   ;-)
I cannot really explain why this regression keeps appearing and
disappearing in a seemingly random manner!

 On some search engines, searching for my nickname AND
 "nano-documents" may lead you to my website...  
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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