Hello Christian,

Christian Perrier hat am Wed 25. Feb, 09:00 (+0100) geschrieben:
> Quoting Christian Knoke (chr...@cknoke.de):
> > Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org> schrieb am 24. Feb um 21:44 Uhr:
> > > Quoting Jörg Sommer (jo...@alea.gnuu.de):
> > > 
> > > > > What makes you think it should produce a (non-dead) acute?
> > > > 
> > > > Because it's printed on the key. On my keyboard the dash goes from lower
> > > 
> > > Aha. *that* is the best argument I've ever heard as of now..:-)
> > > 
> > > I think that Jörg's suggestion made it but I really wonder why the
> > > same key in X doesn't produce an acute in such case.....
> > 
> > I've found this link:
> > 
> > http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/apostrophe.html
> OK. Again an argument for the key to issue an acute.
> I suggest we settle for a *dead* acute, though, in the de.kmap
> files.....just like the de-latin1 keymap....while the
> de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap will have the "non dead" versions, ie
> "apostrophe" and "grave

> de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap:
> keycode  13 = apostrophe       grave

Why not acute? The apostrophe is already on the key right of ä. There
might be programs combining ´a to á. I've checked the compose sequences
and they all use the apostrophe and do not support the acut. Maybe, this
could be changed, too?

Bye, Jörg.
Wer eher stirbt ist länger tot.
                                                (Un B. Kant)

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