Package: pidgin
Version: 2.5.4-2
Severity: normal

When I start pidgin, a short time after starting, it grabs the keyboard
focus and (in contrast to my other OpenBSD system, despite using nearly
the same fvwm2 configuration!) it also warps to the desktop I have "pinned"
its windows to appear on (using "StartsOnPage" inside Style "Pidgin").
This counteracts my efforts to confine pidgin to one desktop and to kind
of start it "in the background". This also isn't behavior apt for a real
multitasking environment (not grabbing focus on its own, circumventing the
window managers focus policy, "SloppyFocus", and letting the *user* decide
when the user wants to see which desktop/workspace, or on X11, letting the
window manager decide what happens to the windows and to the focus).

I append the fvwm configuration, too, for information, to be sure.

fvwm version 1:2.5.27.ds-1

Don't know how to efficiently extract its dependencies, again.

# this is a bare bones sample .fvwm2rc/system.fvwm2rc file for fvwm.
# It should be customized before install.  See other sample .fvwm2rc files
# for hints, as well as pointers from the various links on the official
# fvwm web page (see the FAQ).

EdgeResistance 250 10
EdgeScroll 100 100
ClickTime 750

DeskTopSize 3x3
Menustyle * fvwm, Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
MenuStyle * Foreground maroon, Background grey60, Greyed grey40

ColormapFocus FollowsMouse

# default Styles:
# make sure these fonts exist on your system:
Style *           Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Style *           IconFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Style *           HilightFore black, HilightBack palevioletred
Style *           BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7
Style *           Icon unknown1.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
Style *           MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style *           DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style *           IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
Style *           SloppyFocus
#Style *           TileCascadePlacement
Style *           MinOverlapPercentPlacement

Style *           GrabFocusOff
Style *           GrabFocusTransientOff
Style *           IgnoreRestack
Style *           DontStackTransientParent

# Styles for various Fvwm modules:
Style "Fvwm*"       NoTitle,  Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*"       BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
Style "FvwmPager"   StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmBanner"  StaysOnTop
#Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, NeverFocus

# Styles for your common terminal emulator programs:
#Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
#Style "rxvt"        Icon term.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
#Style "rxvt"        MWMBorder, MWMButtons
Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm.xpm, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
Style "rxvt"        Icon term.xpm, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
Style "rxvt"        MWMBorder, MWMButtons

# Styles for various common programs:
Style "*lock"       NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
Style "xbiff"       NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
Style "xcalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2,ClickToFocus
Style "xmh"         Icon mail1.xpm, NoIconTitle,StickyIcon
Style "xmh"         NoButton 2
Style "xman"        Icon xman.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xmag"        Icon mag_glass.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xgraph"      Icon graphs.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xmosaic"     Color Green/Yellow, ClickToFocus

Style "Gaim"    StartsOnPage 0 1, SkipMapping, StartsOnPageIncludesTransients
Style "Pidgin"  StartsOnPage 0 1, SkipMapping, StartsOnPageIncludesTransients

Style "Firefox-bin"     StartsOnPage 2 0, SkipMapping, 
Style "Firefox-bin"     GNOMEIgnoreHints

Style "Firefox" StartsOnPage 2 0, SkipMapping, StartsOnPageIncludesTransients
Style "Firefox" GNOMEIgnoreHints

Style "Iceweasel"       StartsOnPage 2 0, SkipMapping, 
Style "Iceweasel"       GNOMEIgnoreHints

Style "Seamonkey-bin"   StartsOnPage 2 0, SkipMapping, 
Style "Seamonkey-bin"   GNOMEIgnoreHints

# some simple default key bindings:
Key Next         A       SCM     Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus
Key Prior        A       SCM     Prev (AcceptsFocus) Focus

Key h           A       SCM     Direction West (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key l           A       SCM     Direction East (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key j           A       SCM     Direction South (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key k           A       SCM     Direction North (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key y           A       SCM     Direction Northwest (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key u           A       SCM     Direction Northeast (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key b           A       SCM     Direction Southwest (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus
Key n           A       SCM     Direction Southeast (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus

#Key Pause      RWTSFI  A       Exec exec nice -n 10 xlock -mode flag -remote
Key Pause       RWTSFI  A       Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock
Key 1           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 0 0
Key 2           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 1 0
Key 3           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 2 0
Key 4           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 0 1
Key 5           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 1 1
Key 6           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 2 1
Key 7           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 0 2
Key 8           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 1 2
Key 9           RWTSFI  3       GotoPage 2 2
Key Plus        RWTSFI  3       GotoDesk +1
Key Equal       RWTSFI  3       GotoDesk +1
Key Minus       RWTSFI  3       GotoDesk -1
Key x           RWTSFI  3       Exec exec xterm -tn xterm -cu -rw -s -j -si -sl 
1000 -wf +lc +u8
Key x           RWTSFI  CM      Exec exec xterm -tn xterm -cu -rw -s -j -si -sl 
1000 -wf +lc +u8
Key Tab         RWTSFI  3       WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort
Key h           RWTSFI  3       Exec exec rdesktop -r disk:tmp=/tmp/ -r 
sound:local -g 1280x1024
Key c           RWTSFI  S3      Delete
Key c           RWTSFI  3       FvwmConsole

# some simple default mouse bindings:
#   for the root window:
Mouse 1 R       A       Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 2 R       A       Menu Window-Ops Nop
Mouse 3 R       A       WindowList

#   for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 0 1       A       Menu Window-Ops2 Close
Mouse 0 2       A       Maximize-Func
Mouse 0 4       A       Iconify

#   for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
Mouse 1 F       A       Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1 TS      A       Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1 I       A       Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 I       A       Iconify
Mouse 2 FST     A       Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
Mouse 3 TSIF    A       RaiseLower

Mouse 1 WTSFI   3       RaiseLower
Mouse 1 WTSFI   S3      Lower
Mouse 2 WTSFI   3       Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
Mouse 2 WTSF    S3      Iconify
Mouse 3 WTSFI   3       Move
Mouse 3 WTSFI   S3      Resize

######################## Initialization Functions ############################
AddToFunc StartFunction
 + I Module FvwmButtons

AddToFunc InitFunction
 + I exec xsetroot -mod 2 2 -fg rgb:55/40/55 -bg rgb:70/50/70

# For some SM-s (like gnome-session) there is an internal background setter.
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
 + I Nop

######################## Menus ###################
AddToMenu RootMenu      "Root Menu"     Title
+                       "Keyboard"      Popup Keyboard
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "XTerm"         Exec exec xterm
+                       "Emacs"         Exec exec emacs
+                       "XChat"         Exec exec xchat
+                       "Rxvt"          Exec exec rxvt
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Xmix"          Exec exec xmix
+                       "Xmms"          Exec exec xmms
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Pidgin"                Exec exec pidgin
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Remote Logins" Popup Remote-Logins
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Utilities"     Popup Utilities
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Fvwm Modules"            Popup Module-Popup
+                       "Fvwm Window Ops"         Popup Window-Ops
+                       "Fvwm Simple Config Ops"  Popup Misc-Ops
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Refresh Screen"   Refresh
+                       "Recapture Screen" Recapture
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Exit Fvwm"     Popup Quit-Verify

AddToMenu Keyboard      "Keyboard" Title
+                       "US"    Exec exec $HOME/bin/us
+                       "DE"    Exec exec $HOME/bin/de
+                       "Dvorak"        Exec exec $HOME/bin/dvorak

AddToMenu Utilities     "Utilities" Title
+                       "Top"           Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
+                       "Calculator"    Exec exec xcalc
+                       "Xman"          Exec exec xman
+                       "Xmag"          Exec exec xmag
+                       "Editres"       Exec exec editres
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "XEmacs"        Exec exec xemacs
+                       "Mail"          MailFunction xmh "-font fixed"
+                       ""              Nop
#+                       "XLock"         Exec exec xlock -mode random
#+                      ""              Nop
+                       "Reset X defaults" Exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults

AddToMenu Misc-Ops "Misc Config Opts" Title
+                  "Sloppy Focus"        ChangeDefaultFocus SloppyFocus
+                  "Click To Focus"      ChangeDefaultFocus ClickToFocus
+                  "Focus Follows Mouse" ChangeDefaultFocus FocusFollowsMouse
+                  "" Nop
+                  "Colormap Follows Mouse" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
+                  "Colormap Follows Focus" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
+                  "" Nop
+                  "Full Paging ON"         EdgeScroll 100 100
+                  "All Paging OFF"         EdgeScroll 0 0
+                  "Horizontal Paging Only" EdgeScroll 100 0
+                  "Vertical Paging Only"   EdgeScroll 0 100
+                  "Partial Paging"         EdgeScroll 50 50
+                  "Full Paging && Edge Wrap" EdgeScroll 100000 100000

AddToMenu Window-Ops    "Window Ops"    Title
+                       "Move"          Move
+                       "Resize"        Resize
+                       "Raise"         Raise
+                       "Lower"         Lower
+                       "(De)Iconify"   Iconify
+                       "(Un)Stick"     Stick
+                       "(Un)Maximize"  Maximize
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Delete"        Delete
+                       "Close"         Close
+                       "Destroy"       Destroy
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Refresh Window" RefreshWindow

AddToMenu Window-Ops2   "&Move"         Move
+                       "&Resize"       Resize
+                       "R&aise"        Raise
+                       "&Lower"        Lower
+                       "(De)&Iconify"  Iconify
+                       "(Un)&Stick"    Stick
+                       "(Un)Ma&ximize" Maximize
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "&Delete"       Delete
+                       "&Close"        Close
+                       "Destroy"       Destroy
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "ScrollBar"     Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+                       "Print"         PrintFunction
+                       "Print Reverse" PrintReverseFunction

# be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names:
AddToMenu Remote-Logins "dopey"  Exec rsh dopey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "snoopy" Exec rsh snoopy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "grumpy" Exec rsh grumpy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "happy"  Exec rsh happy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "bailey" Exec rsh bailey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "barnum" Exec rsh barnum rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "joker"  Exec rsh joker rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+                       "signal" Exec rxterm signal

AddToMenu Module-Popup  "FvwmModules"   Title
+                       "Identify"      Module  FvwmIdent
+                       "Talk"          Module  FvwmTalk
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Button-Bar"    Module  FvwmButtons
+                       "Pager"         Module  FvwmPager 0 0
+                       "Pager (2 desks)" Module  FvwmPager 0 1
+                       "WinList"       Module  FvwmWinList
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Banner"        Module  FvwmBanner
+                       "ScrollBar"     Module  FvwmScroll 50 50
+                       "Background"    Module  FvwmBacker
+                       "AutoRaise"     Module  FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
+                       "Stop AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "IconBox"       Module  FvwmIconBox
+                       "IconMan"       Module  FvwmIconMan
+                       ""              Nop
+                       "Form - Rlogin"      Module FvwmForm Rlogin
+                       "Form - MyFvwmTalk"  Module FvwmForm MyFvwmTalk
+                       "Form - QuitVerify"  Module FvwmForm QuitVerify

AddToMenu Quit-Verify   "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title
+                       "Yes, Really Quit"  Quit
+                       ""                  Nop
+                       "Restart Fvwm"      Restart
+                       "Restart Fvwm 1.x"  Restart fvwm -s
+                       ""                  Nop
+                       "Start twm"         Restart twm
+                       "Start ctwm"        Restart ctwm
+                       "Start tvtwm"       Restart tvtwm
+                       "Start vtwm"        Restart vtwm
+                       "Start mwm"         Restart mwm
+                       "Start olwm"        Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm
+                       ""                  Nop
+                       "Start dummy"       Restart xterm
+                       ""                  Nop
+                       "No, Don't Quit"    Nop

######################## Sample Functions ##########################

AddToFunc MailFunction     I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Iconify -1
+                          I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Focus
+                          I None (AcceptsFocus $0) Exec $0 $1

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise         I Raise
+                               M Move
+                               D Lower

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2        M Raise
+                               M Move
+                               D Lower

AddToFunc Maximize-Func         M Maximize       0 100
+                               C Maximize       0 80
+                               D Maximize       100 100

AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify       I Raise
+                               M Move
+                               D Iconify

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise       I Raise
+                               M Resize
+                               D Lower

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2      M Raise
+                               M Resize
+                               D Lower

AddToFunc PrintFunction         I Raise
+                               I Exec xdpr -id $w

AddToFunc PrintReverseFunction  I Raise
+                               I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w

AddToFunc Iconify-and-Raise     I Iconify
+                               I Raise

# RLOGIN machine fg bg
AddToFunc RLOGIN I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e rlogin $0 -8

# TELNET machine fg bg
AddToFunc TELNET I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e telnet $0

AddToFunc FocusAndWarp I Focus
+                      I WarpToWindow 2p 2p

AddToFunc DeiconifyFocusAndWarp I Iconify -1
+                               I FocusAndWarp

AddToFunc ChangeDefaultFocus I Style * $0
+                            I Recapture

#XXX Direction (AcceptsFocus) Focus mappings
#XXX Urgency stuff
#AddToFunc UrgencyFunc
# + I Iconify off
# + I FlipFocus
# + I Raise
# + I WarpToWindow 5p 5p
#AddToFunc UrgencyDoneFunc
# + I Nop

DestroyFunc UrgencyFunc
AddToFunc UrgencyFunc
 + I Nop

################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################
*FvwmButtonsGeometry 520x100-1-1
*FvwmButtonsBack bisque3
*FvwmButtons(Frame 2 Padding 2 2 Container(Rows 2 Columns 5 Frame 1 \
                                           Padding 10 0))
*FvwmButtons(3x2 Frame 2 Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "Module FvwmIconMan")
*FvwmButtons(1x2 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
*FvwmButtons(1x2 Frame 0 Container(Rows 2 Columns 2 Frame 0))
#*FvwmButtons(Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xbiff" `Exec exec xbiff 
-bg bisque3`)
*FvwmButtons(Frame 3 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xclock" `Exec exec xclock 
-bg bisque3 -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1`)
*FvwmButtons(2x1 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xload" `Exec exec 
xload -bg bisque3 -fg black -update 5 -nolabel`)

########################## Icon Manager ####################################
# this FvwmIconMan setup is for swallowing in above button bar example
*FvwmIconMan*numManagers 1
*FvwmIconMan*Resolution  page
*FvwmIconMan*background  bisque3
*FvwmIconMan*foreground  black
*FvwmIconMan*font        7x13bold
*FvwmIconMan*format      "%t"
*FvwmIconMan*action      Mouse   1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify"
*FvwmIconMan*action      Mouse   2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1"
*FvwmIconMan*action      Mouse   3 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent"
*FvwmIconMan*followfocus true
*FvwmIconMan*sort        name
*FvwmIconMan*plainbutton          up black bisque3
*FvwmIconMan*selectbutton         down black bisque3
*FvwmIconMan*focusbutton          up yellow firebrick
*FvwmIconMan*focusandselectButton down yellow firebrick
*FvwmIconMan*dontshow icon=Untitled title=Untitled
#*FvwmIconMan*drawicons true
*FvwmIconMan*buttongeometry  300x0
*FvwmIconMan*managergeometry 1x5

########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
# Just choose colors and a fonts
*FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue
*FvwmIdentFore Yellow
*FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

########################### Pager #########################################
*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
#*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# turn off desktop names for swallowing in above button bar example:
*FvwmPagerFont none
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Misc
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 Maker
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 Mail
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 Matlab
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8
*FvwmPagerBalloons            All
*FvwmPagerBalloonBack         Yellow
*FvwmPagerBalloonFore         Black
*FvwmPagerBalloonFont         lucidasanstypewriter-12
*FvwmPagerBalloonYOffset      +2
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderWidth  1
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderColor  Black

*FvwmWinListBack #908090
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
*FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1

*FvwmBackerDesk 0 -solid steelblue
*FvwmBackerDesk 1 -solid midnightblue

*FvwmScrollBack grey40
*FvwmScrollFore green

# Note that icons are shown in the module
#    only if NoIcon commnand is applied.
#Style     *  NoIcon

*FvwmIconBoxIconBack    #cfcfcf
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiFore  black
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiBack  LightSkyBlue
*FvwmIconBoxBack        #5f9ea0
#*FvwmIconBoxFore       blue
*FvwmIconBoxGeometry    5x1+0+0
*FvwmIconBoxMaxIconSize 64x38
*FvwmIconBoxFont        -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmIconBoxSortIcons   IconName
*FvwmIconBoxPadding     4
*FvwmIconBoxLines       10
*FvwmIconBoxSBWidth     11
*FvwmIconBoxPlacement   Left Top
*FvwmIconBoxPixmap      fvwm.xpm
#*FvwmIconBoxHideSC Horizontal
#*FvwmIconBoxResolution          Desk
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       1       Click           RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       1       DoubleClick     Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       2       Click           Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       3       Click           Module FvwmIdent
*FvwmIconBoxKey         r       RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxKey         space   Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxKey         d       Close
*FvwmIconBoxKey         n       Next
*FvwmIconBoxKey         p       Prev
*FvwmIconBoxKey         h       Left
*FvwmIconBoxKey         j       Down
*FvwmIconBoxKey         k       Up
*FvwmIconBoxKey         l       Right
# Icon file specifications
# Mostly, you don't have to specify icon files, as FvwmIconBox now
# reads icon files specified in Style commands.
*FvwmIconBox            "Fvwm*"         -

# FvwmForm alias - rlogin or telnet to host via xterm
*RloginFont         *helvetica*m*r*n*12*
*RloginButtonFont   *helvetica*m*o*n*12*
*RloginInputFont    *cour*m*r*n*12*
*RloginFore         Black
*RloginBack         Light Gray
*RloginItemFore          Wheat
*RloginItemBack          Gray50
# begin items
*RloginLine         center
*RloginText         "Login to Remote Host"
*RloginLine         center
*RloginText         "Host:"
*RloginInput        HostName  30   ""
*RloginLine         center
*RloginSelection    meth single
*RloginChoice       TN TN off "telnet"
*RloginChoice       RL RL on "rlogin"
*RloginSelection    UserSel   single
#*RloginChoice       Default   Default   on   "same user"
#*RloginChoice       Custom    Custom    off  "user:"
*RloginText         "(Userid:"
*RloginInput        UserName  10   ""
*RloginText         ")"
*RloginLine         center
*RloginText         "FG:"
*RloginInput        FgColor 15 ""
*RloginText         "BG:"
*RloginInput        BgColor 15 ""
*RloginLine         expand
*RloginButton       quit "Login" ^M
*RloginCommand Exec xterm  $(FgColor?-fg $(FgColor)) $(BgColor?-bg $(BgColor)) 
-T xt...@$(HostName) -e $(RL?rlogin) $(TN?telnet) $(HostName) $(RL?-8 
$(UserName?-l $(UserName)))
*RloginButton       restart   "Clear"
*RloginCommand Beep
*RloginButton       quit "Cancel"
*RloginCommand Nop

# FvwmForm alias - query exit ala mwm
*QuitVerifyFont          *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
#*QuitVerifyButtonFont    *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*QuitVerifyButtonFont    7x13bold
*QuitVerifyFore          Black
*QuitVerifyBack          Light Gray
*QuitVerifyItemFore Wheat
*QuitVerifyItemBack Gray50
# begin items
*QuitVerifyLine          center
*QuitVerifyText          "Do you really want to exit FVWM?"
*QuitVerifyLine          expand
*QuitVerifyButton   quit      " Exit "
*QuitVerifyCommand  Quit
*QuitVerifyButton   quit      "Cancel"
*QuitVerifyCommand  Nop

# MyTalk & MyFvwmTalk from Dave Goldberg
# MyTalk Form - dissappears after use
*MyTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*MyTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*MyTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
*MyTalkFore Red
*MyTalkBack Gray
*MyTalkItemFore Blue
*MyTalkItemBack Gray
*MyTalkLine center
*MyTalkText "Fvwm Function"
*MyTalkInput Func 40 ""
*MyTalkLine expand
*MyTalkButton quit "Run" ^M
*MyTalkCommand $(Func)
*MyTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R
*MyTalkButton quit "Cancel" ^C
*MyTalkCommand Nop
# MyFvwmTalk Form - sticks around
*MyFvwmTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkFore Red
*MyFvwmTalkBack Gray
*MyFvwmTalkItemFore Blue
*MyFvwmTalkItemBack Gray
*MyFvwmTalkLine center
*MyFvwmTalkText "Fvwm Function"
*MyFvwmTalkInput Func 40 ""
*MyFvwmTalkLine expand
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Run" ^M
*MyFvwmTalkCommand $(Func)
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Iconify" ^Z
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Next [MyFvwmTalk] Iconify
*MyFvwmTalkButton quit "Quit" ^C
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop

# to change banner pixmap
#*FvwmBannerPixmap fvwm3.xpm
#*FvwmBannerTimeout 2

-- System Information:
Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.26-1-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages pidgin depends on:
ii  gconf2                        2.24.0-7   GNOME configuration database syste
ii  libatk1.0-0                   1.24.0-2   The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libc6                         2.9-4      GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcairo2                     1.8.6-2    The Cairo 2D vector graphics libra
ii  libdbus-1-3                   1.2.12-1   simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libdbus-glib-1-2              0.80-3     simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libglib2.0-0                  2.18.4-2   The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgstreamer0.10-0            0.10.22-2  Core GStreamer libraries and eleme
ii  libgtk2.0-0                   2.14.7-4   The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libgtkspell0                  2.0.13-2   a spell-checking addon for GTK's T
ii  libice6                       2:1.0.5-1  X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libpango1.0-0                 1.22.4-2   Layout and rendering of internatio
ii  libpurple0                    2.5.4-2    multi-protocol instant messaging l
ii  libsm6                        2:1.1.0-2  X11 Session Management library
ii  libstartup-notification0      0.9-1      library for program launch feedbac
ii  libx11-6                      2:1.1.5-2  X11 client-side library
ii  libxss1                       1:1.1.3-1  X11 Screen Saver extension library
ii  perl                          5.10.0-19  Larry Wall's Practical Extraction 
ii  perl-base [perlapi-5.10.0]    5.10.0-19  minimal Perl system
ii  pidgin-data                   2.5.4-2    multi-protocol instant messaging c

Versions of packages pidgin recommends:
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base  0.10.22-3    GStreamer plugins from the "base" 
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good  0.10.13-3+b1 GStreamer plugins from the "good" 

Versions of packages pidgin suggests:
pn  evolution-data-server         <none>     (no description available)
pn  gnome-panel | kicker | docker <none>     (no description available)
ii  libsqlite3-0                  3.5.9-6    SQLite 3 shared library

-- no debconf information

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