Dear Arnaud

Coherence-0.6.2 is out.  I have set up a bzr branch at

which will update the package to 0.6.2.  You can grab the branch with

bzr lp:~cjsmo/+junk/coherence

With the help of upstream (dev), a man-page has been added to correct
the "no-man-page" lintian error.  There is a patch at the above location
which adds the man-page.

Lintian additionally complains of "embedded-javascript-library"
(Mochikit), there is also a patch at the above location that corrects
this error. 

Please consider updating Python-coherence ASAP.  Having Python-coherence
updated would benefit other packages such as Rythmbox and Ampache.  It
would also make it easier to sync into Ubuntu Jaunty.

Charlie Smotherman

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