retitle 509595 Ensure cherokee-admin works correctly with the documentation 
moved to cherokee-doc


I'm replying in English, as this information will be better stored
together with the bug report. And I am adding Leonel Núñez, as he is
very dilligent for his PPA Launchpad work as well, and he might end up
solving this before me :)

Taher Shihadeh dijo [Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:10:12PM +0100]:
> Hola Gunnar.
> Acabo de ver el correo desde ayer por la tarde, y no veo mención a
> esto por ninguna parte en la lista de desarrollo. Si ya lo habeis
> hablado, me disculpo de antemano.
> >I don't know why I didn't do this earlier - Yes, it is a worthy
> >improvement to make the main package over 3MB slimmer... And we are
> >already with the newest release waiting in NEW/BYHAND, so why wait?
> >Building with this improvement on.   
> Sólo recordarte que cherokee-admin utiliza la documentación en sus
> ayudas, así que tenlo en cuenta a la hora de definir los
> suggests/recommends/depends...

[ Taher says cherokee-admin uses the documentation I moved to
  cherokee-doc ]

Oh, I thought this would be just an Debian-internal, packaging-related
issue, so I didn't ask the upstream list :-/

I have made cherokee suggest cherokee-doc and cherokee-doc recommend
cherokee - For the next revision, I will probably bump cherokee-doc to
a recommends: as well, and add a note explaining this situation. I
also have to check where to specify to cherokee-admin the path to its
documentation has changed (to /usr/share/doc/cherokee-doc).

Thanks a lot,

Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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