Hi Onkar,

is there any process? :)

On Saturday 27 December 2008, Onkar Shinde wrote:
> 1. I need sponsorship to the update of libcommons-jexl-java. The
> updated packaging lies in pkg-java svn.

Maybe you should write about this issue to 
pkg-java-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org ?

> 2. I will need to package excalibur-logger [1] as it is essential
> dependency of jmeter.

I didn't found an ITP here, so I guess there is no process.

> I plan to get everything done in Ubuntu first, as I have upload rights
> there. After that I will port the package to Debian.

Even having a look into https://launchpad.net/~onkarshinde/+related-software 
doen't indicate any news.

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
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